Free to use Black Elephant on Grass Field | Follow Alice
Free to use Black Elephant on Grass Field | Follow Alice
Celebrating World Wildlife Day: Jersey Birds
Whether they’re full-time residents, breeding, wintering, or just stopping by during migration, 274 nongame species of birds access NJ’s lands and waters! Various breeds of songbirds, raptors, migratory shorebirds, beach-nesting birds and long-legged warblers also reside in the state.
Many bird populations are on the decline, however, so much that some species have lost 60-80% of their population since 1970. Because these declines are linked to habitat loss on breeding grounds, NJ Fish & Wildlife focuses restoration efforts on forest and grassland habitats.
Our Endangered and Nongame Species Program has also been paying considerable attention to the research, monitoring, protection and management of three endangered species of beach-nesting birds: the piping plover, the least tern and the black skimmer. Developments, erosion and disturbance of nests all contribute to the endangerment of these shorebirds, prompting ENSP to develop beach management plans with many municipalities to help protect such beach-nesters.
Different species of birds can be seen in various habitats based on geography and the time of year. You won’t see the same migrating shorebirds pass through Delaware Bay in late May as you will in late September.
What types of birds have you spotted in our state recently? Visit to brush up on your birding basics and always keep an eye on the sky!
Original source can be found here.