Free to use Brown Wooden Bench With Brown Dried Leaves | Zino Bang
Free to use Brown Wooden Bench With Brown Dried Leaves | Zino Bang
As a first-generation college student and president of the Student Government Association at the Metropolitan Campus, Suleima Mestanza wants students to know that they can accomplish amazing things. “I want to show students that anything is possible in the sense that we can use our leadership skills and make a change on campus,” she says.
As SGA president, Suleima advocates for clubs, organizations and the overall student body. This upcoming semester, SGA plans to establish a greater network with new students.
This position comes with its own set of challenges, but Suleima embraces them. “I’ve had to learn not only to be a leader for my organization, but also to prove to myself that I can do it all.”
Suleima Mestanza
Junior biology major
Metropolitan Campus
Original source can be found here.