Fairleigh Dickinson University | Cristina Sanchez
Fairleigh Dickinson University | Cristina Sanchez
Cristina Sanchez has visited a total of 66 countries and has no intention of slowing down!
Solo travel is her preferred method for exploring the world because of the freedom that comes with it. She can happily get lost in a city, admire the architecture, find small local eateries and get to know the people who work in them.
“It doesn't matter where in the world you go; people aren’t that different,” she explains. Meeting new people breeds compassion.
How does one start traveling? Cristina says, “Our time on Earth is limited, so just go and travel right now … if you wait for the perfect time, then you will wait forever.” #FolksofFairleigh
Cristina Sanchez, MHMS’22Hospitality Management Studies Alumna Vancouver Campus
Original source can be found here.